Supervisions: Handing in Work

Presenting work

Do the work on paper not larger than A4. Make sure that the pages are in the right order. Fix it together securely with a paperclip, staple or similar. Write your name on the front sheet. (If you have to form more than one bundle, write your name on the first page of each bundle.) Write "Work for Matthew Smith" on the front as well. Do not put the work into any kind of folder, envelope, or pouch.

If you prefer you can do the work in an exercise book, as long as it has your name and my name on the front, has a soft cover, and is not larger than A4.

You can hand in the work

You can use whichever option is more convenient, regardless of which college you belong to.

Christmas Holiday Work 2024/25

IA NST Mathematics

All of the holiday work is due in by 10am on Wednesday 22nd January, at either Selwyn or Trinity Hall. (You can of course hand it in earlier if you want!) Fix together the pieces of work (examples sheet, paper 1, and paper 2) into three seeparate bundles, each with your name on. Don't submit any work online.

IB Physics (A or B)

This work needs to be submitted in two batches, as described on the homepage. The first batch needs to be submitted by 12 noon on Thursday 16th January, either on paper at either Selwyn or Trinity Hall, or online. If submitting work on paper, form it into two bundles (for question sheet work and past paper 1), each with your name on. If submitting online, form it into two pdf files, and send them to me as e-mail attachments. Include your crsid as part of each file name.

You can send the first batch of work by post if you prefer (Matthew Smith, Selwyn College, Cambridge CB3 9DQ) as long as it will arrive here by 16th January.

The second batch is due in by 10am on Wednesday 22nd January, at either Selwyn or Trinity Hall, and must be handed in on paper. Do not submit this work in electronic form.

Michaelmas Term 2024

Deadlines are in the table below.

Day of supervisionLatest time for handing in work at...
SelwynTrinity Hall
Monday7pm Sunday6.45pm Sunday
Tuesday7pm Monday6.45pm Sunday
Wednesday6.30pm Tuesday6.45pm Tuesday
Thursday6.30pm Wednesday6.45pm Tuesday
Friday6.30pm Thursday6.45pm Thursday
Saturday6.30pm Friday6.45pm Thursday
Sunday5.30pm Saturday6.45pm Thursday

If you've missed the deadline, just bring the work with you to the supervision. Don't hand it in late.

I may occasionally change the times above, but if I make any times earlier or remove any options I'll notify students in advance; I don't expect you to check this page regularly for updates.

Work produced using a computer or tablet

Some students produce their work in electronic form. If you do this you'll need to print it out to hand it in, according to the instructions above. Don't send me work electronically, unless

I'd recommend doing work by writing it directly on paper. Many students produce work that's easier to read this way, and there's less to go wrong. If you do prepare your work in electonic form, then it's your responsibility to make sure that you'll be able to print it out, which means that you'll need a backup plan for when the college printer you normally use is out of action. It's also your responsibility to make sure that the work is clearly legible when printed out, and that your computer deals with the gaps between pages correctly.